Environmental Benefits

The Champlain Power Express (CHPE) builds on New York’s history of utilizing environmentally friendly and inexpensive hydropower. What began with textile and grain mills built alongside New York’s rivers grew to harness the power of Niagara Falls to light up homes and businesses across the state. Faced with the goals of combating climate change by reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions while transitioning to clean renewable energy and hydroelectric energy delivered over CHPE offers an excellent option to meet New York’s current and future energy needs.

Meeting renewable energy targets

The CHPE will deliver more than 15 percent of remaining generation needed to meet New York state’s 2030 renewable energy targets.

Reducing carbon emissions

The carbon emissions reduction resulting from the CHPE will be equivalent to removing approximately 44 percent of the cars from NYC streets.

Replacing fossil fuel generation

CHPE quickly displaces fossil fuel generation with an equally firm power supply. Without this project, as much as 85-90% of the power produced will come from carbon-emitting sources.

Ready Now to Help Meet New York’s Goals

As part of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA), New York state has committed to reducing GHG emissions by 40 percent by 2030, and 85 percent by 2050. At the same time, the state has committed to increasing the use of renewable energy to 70 percent of the market share by 2030, and 100 percent by 2040. To meet these goals the market must be supplied by sources that are ready now, like the Champlain Hudson Power Express.


Low-Impact, Low-Cost

Electricity from CHPE will come from existing hydroelectric facilities and other renewable facilitates. By delivering directly into NYC, CHPE bypasses mid-state transmission congestion that is currently impacting upstate wind and solar development.


Ready Now

The CHPE has received the necessary approvals from New York and federal regulators. The CHPE will quickly help New York jump-start its move to a renewable generation future.


Always On

Even though New York and the nation are adding solar and wind power resources, the power generated from these sources will always be intermittent and dependent upon weather and time of day. The nature of hydroelectric power allows energy to be held in reserve via dams and released as needed, providing a firm, dependable source of clean, renewable and affordable energy.


Solid-State, Safety-Forward Technology

The monitoring and safety technology incorporated into the construction of CHPE’s solid-state transmission line instantaneously detects any damage to the cable and immediately halts the electric current before there is any threat to life or property. HVDC cables are also liquid- and gel-free, meaning in the unlikely event that a cable is damaged, there are no dangerous chemicals to leak into bodies of water or environmentally sensitive areas.


Dedicated Funding for a Cleaner Environment

To ensure that the environment is cleaner than when the project began, CHPE will provide $117 million over 35 years to fund environmental protection programs through the Hudson River and Lake Champlain Habitat Enhancement, Restoration, and Research/Habitat Improvement Trust Fund. The administration of this fund will be overseen by a committee comprised of state and local regulatory agencies, as well as environmental advocacy groups, ensuring that projects meet local needs and environmental benefits are maximized.

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